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Geneva the Oracle of Lies
Geneva's YouTube Icon
Vital statistics
Title The Oracle of Lies
Gender Female
Species Human; Berserker
Origin MyDarkJournal
Alignment Evil
Alias The Oracle of Lies, Geneva
Status Undead
Location Normalverse

The Oracle of Lies, formerly Geneva, is the secondary antagonist of the MyDarkJournal ARG and the undead wife of Victor.


The story is that Victor's wife was originally brutally murdered in the holocaust, however, he made a deal with the Slender Man, exchanging his life for eternal servitude in order to extract revenge against the Nazi camp and bring his wife back from the dead.

Apparently, his wife also returned as a servant of Slender Man as well, and is the owner of the YouTube page,TheOracleofLies, a channel coinciding with Victor's MyDarkJournal Youtube page. She assisted in the fate of Rob from TheBoneCreekStory, ultimately deciding of her henchmen brutally executing him, and also converted Tim from TheBoneCreekStory into a proxy called Mr. Flip, who's alignment remains unknown.

At one point, she appears pregnant, presumably with Victor's child. Afterwards, she rambles in the comments and descriptions of her videos, proclaiming about 'making her family whole.' This may implicate that this is her main goal.
